Project Taren - A beautiful entertainer


For Jana and Jamaal, their gorgeous new pool has completely transformed their yard. Forever exploring ways to busy their two little boys, the yard was once home to a skate ramp, a decrepit garage and a multitude of toys – now it features the perfect entertainer for the boys and one that looks pretty amazing, too.

‘Our pool has brought a lot of joy to our family,’ Jana says. ‘Living on a sloped block with a mostly unusable yard I was always depressed looking out the window. Now that we have a beautiful pool I find myself staring out at our backyard swooning, feeling very lucky that the pool is ours.’

Jana and Jamaal are our best mates so we knew how much they’d wanted a pool. When Jana told us they were ready to go we were so excited – we couldn’t wait to get stuck in and see what we could come up with together. Jana grew up with a pool and wanted to create the kinds of experiences for her kids that she remembers.


‘I remember my dad clomping down the stairs on a hot summer’s night, telling my sister and brother and I that we could all go for a night swim. We’d turn the pool light on and jump in all together. I really love those memories and already our young boys and puppy have so much fun playing in the pool. Seeing how happy they are makes me smile.’

Going into the pool build, one of the biggest concerns Jana and Jamaal had was the budget – their block was particularly tricky, and they worried things would blow out. Jamaal says that transparency and communication was crucial to the end result, particularly when it became clear they had to render their retaining wall.


‘Matt took the time to explain the benefits of doing this at the time of the build as opposed to later,’ Jamaal says. ‘On completion of our project, we are so thankful we listened to this advice as the retaining wall has become a feature and we love the look of it.’

Jamaal says that advice from Matt and the team to install additional plumbing was also a massive plus. 

‘Our garage previously flooded all the time during heavy rain,’ Jamaal says, ‘and since we’ve installed the new plumbing we haven’t experienced any issues. It’s so nice not stressing out now whenever rain is forecast.’

For Jana and Jamaal, Cronulla Pools was the obvious choice. Being such close friends of ours they knew how we worked, and had a unique insight into the way we run our business, too. 

‘From the moment we engaged with Cronulla pools we felt in control and supported,’ Jamaal says. ‘Each morning the team were onsite we would have a chat and receive an update on the plans for that day. It was really nice to be included the whole way along.’

‘And you guys just make the best pools,’ Jana says. ‘I’ve been stalking Cronulla Pools on social media for a long time and I was so impressed with the pools you were creating. I knew we needed one in our yard! There was no one else I wanted building a pool for us.’


Meet Scott


Project Minnamurra - A pool to transform the trickiest of spaces