Outdoor Fireplaces. Bringing warmth and purpose to your backyard. In conversation with Rob from Highfire.


We talk a lot about how your backyard should be an extension of your home, how it should essentially be another room that is functional and interacts seamlessly with the rest of your home to give you the most bang for your buck.

We get that in the cooler months we spend less time outdoors. Which sucks - because if you’re anything like us then there is absolutely nothing better than the hours of entertainment that our pool provides our kids, and let’s just say in winter there’s only so many indoor forts you can build. 

You’ve heard it from us plenty of times - heating your pool is a huge value add. There are a few heating options on the market and with the addition of a pool cover, your pool can be a balmy 30 degrees all year round - from pool to spa, really. 

But let’s be real. If you really want to create an outdoor area that’s comfy enough to enjoy all year round then we need to think beyond simply heating your pool. Things like cabana’s, fancy outdoor lighting and fireplaces all add to the creation of a space that truly is another room. Just as comfy as the living room.


It’s food for thought if you’re in the early stages of pool building. Design meetings are there to flush out exactly how you want to use your backyard, so get all these ideas out on the table. 

And while you’re mulling over it we had a quick chat with our mates at Highfire. They spend their days installing the most stunning indoor and outdoor gas fireplaces and answered a few questions for us amateurs who might like to pop one in the backyard - to keep us nice and toasty. Because seriously, how good does a dip in a heated pool sound when it’s followed by curling up on the outdoor couch in front of a nice, warm fire? Sign us up!

CP: Thanks for chatting to us today Rob. If our clients are keen to include a fireplace in their backyard design, where do they start?

No worries, thanks for having me. Planning is always key. If the gas fireplace is part of a landscape design then we work closely with the landscape architect to work out it’s best position functionally and aesthetically. If you just want to add the fire to your existing yard then start with a few images, it’s amazing what we can create for you just from a few inspo shots. 

CP: Do we need to gain approval to install an outdoor fireplace?

There’s no approval needed to install a gas fireplace. Although if it’s going in alongside your pool and cabana then consider it in your design so that it’s as seamless and functional as possible. 


CP: Roughly how long does it take to install an outdoor gas fire?

It’s always pretty site specific as to how long it takes, depending on the brief. The gas fire takes a day to install but the surrounding building works can take longer. 

CP: Electric and gas fireplaces come pretty close to the real thing. What are some of the benefits for our clients looking to install one?

By far the biggest benefit is their ambiance. The relaxed mood they create as you sit and stare at the flame and relax after a long day. For us, that is what it’s all about - creating spaces that capture the mood and make it all the more enjoyable. 

But while we’re talking about their benefits it’s also the radiant heat and the creation of a beautiful focal point for your backyard. Not to mention the flexibility and options as to where they can be installed. There’s no need for gas fires to be undercover as there are a range of covers available to protect them from the elements. 

And seriously, lighting a fire with the flick of a switch sounds pretty great to us! 

So if you’re planning a pool and want to get a little more bang for your buck, look for ways to create an outdoor area that is functional and comfortable all year round. A gas outdoor fireplace is the perfect addition.

Get in contact with Highfire today.



Meet Grant.


From Pool Hopping to Backyard Oasis - Margot and Matt of Rolfe Street, Rosebery