From Pool Hopping to Backyard Oasis - Margot and Matt of Rolfe Street, Rosebery


I feel like I've been friends with Margot for ages.

In September 2019 she gave me a call with hopes for a pool. The call was quickly followed by an email with a clear brief of what her and her husband, Matt, had dreamed of. Nothing too big, rather a pretty plunge pool that allowed them to keep their grassed area, rather than dominate their yard. 

Like Matt and I, Margot and Matt have a young family and want to make the most of the time they spend at home. When they moved into Rolfe Street, they dreamed of their very own resort-style backyard pool and thought they could maybe make it happen. Always lovers of pool-life, Margot and Matt used to spend the summers with their daughter pool hopping between friends’ houses, aquatic centres, and public pools. Now they’ve built their very own dream-pool and they never have to leave home.


“We realised when the kids are entertained in the water everyone is happy!” Matt says. “We won’t have to go anywhere to just be together and be entertained and most importantly – happy. No more investing in blow up pools to cool down in summer. Our pool has created a lifestyle for us – we are in love. It is exactly what we wanted and dreamed about.”

After initially getting a bunch of different quotes – and being told their pool couldn’t be built in the space they had! – Margot and Matt took the plunge and called us. A big part of my role is talking to mum’s just like me who just want to make their home a place that the kids  can enjoy – and that they can, just as much. Margot and I  immediately bonded over email and it wasn’t long before Matt and I were busting at the chops to design their pool. 


“You guys were so approachable,” Margot says. “It was so good to meet you and tell you everything we wanted, armed only with a mood board showcasing the dreams and ideas we had lovingly and carefully collated for our backyard pool oasis.  A little while later you sent through a heavenly 3D render of our new sparkling pool in our dream backyard. You nailed it.”

For Margot and Matt, the pool-building journey began with a wish list. They wanted a heated pool to extend their swimming season. They wanted a fully tiled mineral pool for the associated skin benefits as they all have sensitive skin. They also wanted a glass fence with no Spigot feet to create a seamless look, and a pool which fit in with the backyard as a whole.


“We went with you guys because you were the only ones who wanted to help us with our whole back yard renovation,” Margot says.  “You and Matt let us work with your trades and design network to get the job done. It almost felt like you were our entire project managers and, being new to the whole renovation game, that really instilled us with confidence.”

Obviously space and budget can be pretty huge constraints, but these guys found that consistent communication with us meant developing a great working relationship and this was key to overcoming these hurdles.


“You made us aware of all the issues we would face along the way,” Margot says. “We had a clear vision of what we wanted, and it was important we were involved with the process at every stage.  We were so impressed with all the staff and subcontractors. So happy and smiley, polite and professional – their personalised, expert approach made it all a bit less stressful! Dream team.”

So would Margot and Matt recommend us to the punters?

“One hundred per cent,” Matt says. “Every day of the week!”


Outdoor Fireplaces. Bringing warmth and purpose to your backyard. In conversation with Rob from Highfire.


Project Kingsford // Tiling