Cronulla Pools raises over $100k for the Children’s Cancer Institute and gives away a pool!

I actually can’t believe we are here. After what seems like a marathon three months, we are so very excited.

This is it, guys.

Here we announce the lucky winner of our Wanna Win a Pool competition.

After an overwhelming flood of support, and with a total of over $100,000 raised from a community of people who have brightened our days in a time that’s been so tough for most, we are blown away. And whilst it’s been so much about the money we want to raise for this vital cause, it’s also about this incredible prize.

Because guys, one lucky person is about to win a pool!

What we have done together

When Matt and I first launched Cronulla Pools we had a dream of being able to use what we do, to give back.

And when we were approached by our friends Geoff and Lauren at Bowerbird Interiors to be on their team for the CEO Dare to Cure, we thought it was the perfect opportunity.

And standing here this morning, wrapping up a marathon effort of campaigning, of calling on and embracing all the love and support from those around us, of pulling out every stop possible to bloody get this job done – to raise money for this incredible cause we really believe in – I am feeling very proud of us.

To the team at Cronulla Pools, to our friends and family, to our industry, to all of you – every single one of you who bought a ticket – thank you for getting behind us and for being just as pumped about the prospect of winning a pool as we are to build it for you.

$100,000 for the Children’s Cancer Institute

Really, we had no idea when we started exactly how this would be received.

It was a huge leap of faith and not something we’d ever done before. We had no idea what we could raise.

But we went in with our arms and hearts wide open, and every step of the way we’ve been blown away by what we’ve achieved. We don’t do things in halves, and we are competitive people, so we had to approach the competition knowing that any amount we raised, big or small, we’d be proud.

 It was scary but hey, most things that are worth it are.

 And we have been completely blown away to finish the race having raised such an incredible amount of money.

 The biggest gift ever

 Matt and I are so lucky to have three healthy children – three kids that, although sometimes can be whingy and demanding, are healthy. This is just the biggest gift ever, and when, all those months ago, we heard about the CCI and the work they do, we knew we wanted to do what we could to make a difference.

 $100,000 for the CCI means a full year of funding for a fulltime children’s cancer researcher. That’s a full year of life-saving research that, one day, will hopefully make all the difference in the lives of seriously ill children.

 Drum roll, please … and a huge cuddle

 But before the big moment, I just want to thank every single one of you who bought a ticket.

 Big love to everyone who made this possible and who supported us on this epic marathon.

 So stoked to have made it to the finish line. We did it.

 Drum roll please …


CEO Dare to Cure Extreme Fitness Challenge


Colin ‘Woody’ Williams on steel fixing, Wanna Win a Pool, and the Wild West