“Get the Design Right from the Start” - Michael Croft on why a registered surveyor makes all the difference to your pool build


Wanna Win a Pool has opened our eyes to the amazing generosity of the people in our community. Take Michael and Kate Croft. They’re the team behind Geosurv, and when Kate approached me offering to donate a survey for the winner of the competition, I was pretty pumped.  

The survey is the first step in the design process and a detailed survey is a must for any pool build if you want to get the design spot on, avoid a compliance nightmare, and make the most of your space. We sat down with Michael Croft to pick his brain about just how important a registered survey is when designing and building your pool.

Put simply, the survey is a very detailed map of your block, and it means we can design to perfection. Once we’ve engaged a client, a survey is the very first thing we conduct. The survey maps the boundaries of the block, level and heights, delivers specifics on landscaping measurements, and shows us the precise location of the house. A survey also identifies trees that could potentially cause cracking to your pool down the track.

At Cronulla Pools we are all for the details and ensuring the pool has a long lifespan. Getting an absolutely spot on reflection of what we are working with is critical, so that we can utilize the space the best we can and position the pool in the most practical and compliant location.

“Compliance is a really big one,” Michael says. “Each council will have a different set of requirements but a registered surveyor will help you avoid any potential problems. There are loads of things that can go wrong. For example, if a block hasn’t been surveyed correctly the fences can be installed in the wrong place. A registered surveyor will also pick up all the services above and below ground. Say for instance you had a sewer or water going through your backyard we can actually show those on the plan.”

This is a really big point – it means that the pool can be designed to account for the services prior to excavation, so you don’t get any nasty surprises mid-way through the design phase of your pool.

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“With a survey you eliminate any possibilities of costly surprises for the client,” Michael says, “A registered surveyor means you can get the design right from the start to the end without a problem.”

And if you’re not yet totally sold on a registered surveyor, here’s the kicker: a registered survey will give you a precise understanding of all aspects of your pool in terms of sun, shade, and additional features.

“We orientate the survey to true north, so you’ll know exactly where your shadows will fall throughout the year,” Michael says. “All of a sudden, we can draw shadow diagrams over the pool and we can say to you that during the summer solstice or the winter solstice your pool is going to be shadowed 90% of the time. This gives you the chance to place it in a different position.”

“The correct height is a really important thing,” Michael says. “For instance, we’ll show the contour of the land so we can be sure that at a certain height a child can’t climb over the fence and get into the pool. And we don’t just pick up on your property, we pick up all around. A good designer will take this into account to guarantee privacy.”

 We cannot wait to collaborate with Kate and Michael, working together to build the dream pool for one lucky winner. We feel super grateful that like-minded businesses like Geosurv have approached us after learning about what we're doing, allowing us to form new partnerships. Because that's what we are all about.

 “We’re a massive believer in supporting local businesses and trades but it really wasn’t a big decision for us to offer our services,” Michael says. “To be really honest we jumped at the chance. It’s a chance to give something back to the people in our community we love.  It’s just something that we’d love to be a part of.”

To learn more about Geoserv click here.

 To learn more about Wanna Win a Pool Click here.


Lobster for lunch, anyone? Win $3,000 worth of fresh produce from Delish!


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