Cronulla Pools makes a splash at the SPASA National Awards.

I’ve been struggling to write this post. I guess because I can be a little hesitant in sharing things that might end up making us sound like w******s. But hey, we all need to take a second to smell the roses every now and then – so here goes.


We’ve had a big 18 months. Since launching Cronulla Pools in January 2018 we have been working our butts off establishing ourselves, juggling kids and our sometimes over active social lives. And we haven’t taken much time to sit back and reflect on how far we’ve come in such a short time.


Last month I took my best friend as my date and attended the NSW SPASA Australia Awards of Excellence. Thrilled to have even been nominated we went along on a table with our friends from Hayward Australia. And you know what, we won. Two pools of ours picked up NSW Gold Awards.

For anyone running a business, to even have pools to build is amazing but to be recognised by our industry and win awards was something that really blew us away.

Taking out Gold in NSW automatically put us in the running for National Awards. Without too much convincing and with husband (and let’s be honest, the driving force behind our business) in tow we hopped on a plane to Adelaide where we attended the SPASA National Awards of Excellence. And we bloody won again! One Gold Award in the plungepool/courtyard category and a Highly Commended for best pool up to $100,000.

We could bang on for hours about how great we are and it’s up to you to believe if we are up to the job. What we are most excited about is the validation we received from our industry and our peers. Because that’s what gives you, our unbelievable clients the trust to dive in with us.

So thank you. Thanks to our wonderful clients for allowing us into their lives to build them their dream pools and to our trades and team who continue to impress us and to deliver on each and every job. We couldn’t have done this without you.

These awards are going straight to the ‘pool’ room.


A Cronulla Pool to rival Cronulla Beach.


10 reasons why you need a pool for Christmas.