10 reasons why you need a pool for Christmas.

Life is all about chasing really great moments.  It’s exactly how we go about our days. Jamming them full of awesome things that make us smile, and make the kids smile (or whinge less – whatever).


Because far out life is busy! We rush from work, to school pick up, to after school activities in what feels like a never ending whirl wind until we blink and it’s Christmas. Then we think, shit. How did that happen?

December will creep around just as quick as it did last year and you my friend, need to get that list typed up and delivered to the big bloke so you are guaranteed of getting what you deserve this Christmas (a pool). Something that makes an impact on just a few of your moments, and makes them better.

And no, we’re not saying that building a pool is going to solve all of your life woes but they certainly do make our kids smile and on a stinking hot day with the music playing and a few friends by the pool – life feels very very good.  

Here’s a few reasons why we think you need a pool for Christmas.

  1. To live your best life. After a busy week at work, there is nothing better than enjoying some downtime by the pool.

  2. Give the grandparents a break and have the pool look after your children this summer (with your supervision of course!).

  3. Escape the crowds at the beach.

  4. Bring a water view to you. If you can’t afford the luxury of waterfront living, a pool is surely the next best thing.

  5. Keep your teenagers where you can see them. A pool gives them an excuse to enjoy themselves at home.

  6. Build confident swimmers.

  7. Promote a healthy lifestyle. Get outdoors and off your phones!

  8. Add some extra value to your previously sweltering summer backyard BBQ.

  9. Have a pool party!

  10. Calm your cranky children. For us, nothing makes our kids happier than being in the water.

Surely this has convinced you! But if it hasn’t please give us a call, we’d love to discuss building you a pool for Christmas.


Cronulla Pools makes a splash at the SPASA National Awards.


Planting for compliance —5 plant picks for your pool area.