Schools out! Swim safe these holidays.

With the big kids home for the school holidays it’s the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of swim safety.

We sat down with Carly Bartlett. She owns and manages Little Stars Swim School. They focus on building confidence in the water, safety and stroke correction for children as young as four months.


CP: Hi Carly, thanks for your time today! When would you recommend kids start swimming lessons?

There are huge benefits in commencing swimming lessons in their first year but it’s never too late to start. We take children as young as four months old.

CP: And with consistent lessons and time in the pool, when should a child confidently be able to swim without floatation devices?

All children are different and they all learn to swim in their own time. If they have been introduced to the water early it’s usually around three years old.

CP: And what about for the older kids. What are some fun activities they can be doing at home to get stronger in the pool?

The more they’re in the water, the stronger they’ll become. Some games they can be playing include dive rings, treading water and seeing how long they can tread for and pulling each other off the noodle.

CP: How can parents help at home to build confident and strong swimmers?

I love it when parents are involved in the development of their kids swimming skills. Just keep it fun and no matter how old or what stage they’re at, remember this;

  1. Try it at home - Pay attention to what they are doing in their lessons and practice at home

  2. Ask questions - Speak to the instructor to see if there is anything you need to focus on

  3. Use back bubbles and floaties if needed. They’re great for developing water confidence

  4. Get in the pool as much as you can!

Little Stars Swim School is a valued partner of Cronulla Pools. If you’re interested in swimming lessons you can get in touch with Carly here .


Making Your Home Flow from Inside to Out: An Interview with Mia Lake.


Go at it like rabbits this Easter. Get hot and steamy in a heated pool.