Cronulla Pools win 'NSW Concrete Pool Builder of the Year' for 2020.


I’ve been trying to write this post for a week and haven’t been able to find the words. Which is unlike me, a self confessed over sharer from way back.

Last Friday in a very understated (compared to last years non-covid awards) Facebook live event Cronulla Pools was awarded ‘NSW Concrete Pool Builder of the Year’. Something that of course we have been working hard for. But like anything, an accolade we didn’t realise we wanted so badly - until we won it. And now we are holding onto it. Tight.

It’s been pretty bloody humbling to be honest. Because where we are right now is testament to a bunch of very, very great people.

Our loyal and hardworking trades who build each pool as if it was for their own family. Our crew who work in our business as if it was their own and who we absolutely friggen love. My hardworking husband who as I write this post from the comfort of the couch, I can hear typing away upstairs in the office - where he spends a sometimes unhealthy amount of his ‘downtime’ at home.

To SPASA for backing us and being our legendary industry advocates. I had a chat to Spiros Dassakis the COO at SPASA Australia the other day to hear his thoughts on what it means to win this award and he said “this coveted award is presented to companies that excel on quality, delivery and customer engagement, resulting in a full customer service experience. It’s not just about building great swimming pools, this award represents much more”.

But most of all, to our clients, our suppliers and our builders who gave the (once) new kids on the block a chance. To help us establish ourselves in a somewhat crowded market and give us the confidence to rip in and show you what we are capable of.

And for that we are forever grateful. Chuffed even. Because who would have thought this little old crew from Cronulla would be here, standing in front of a concrete truck beaming with pride for receiving such an award.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Designing homes for the Australian landscape — In conversation with Chris Freeburn from Ironbark Architecture.


Project Rangers // Formwork and Steel Fixing