Meet Jess.

Matt and I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our Cronulla Pools crew - our brilliant new Project Manager, Jess.  They say when you know, you know and when we first started interviewing for the project management position we very quickly realised that Jess is just what our business needs. 


Like Matt and I her previous roles have been quite different to that of a pool builder. After finishing uni she spent 12 years working for Macquarie Bank on regulatory projects and system implementation before moving on to a Fixed income specialist role implementing systems as part of a large organisational change project. Might not mean much to you and to be honest it’s a little confusing to us too but what it means for our business is that Jess is intelligent, has a business mind and a very keen eye for detail. And in our eyes, these are fundamental to the success of your projects. 

Since having her family (of three little boys) she’s been on an endless search to find a job that interests her, challenges her and one that not only provides her with a better work/life balance but one that she is passionate about. 

Jess has lived and breathed construction her whole life, her dad is a builder and a die hard renovator and growing up she was constantly on a building site. So when this position came up it seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine her experience with her professional desires. 

But why would she want to go from a big corporate gig to become a pool builder you ask? Good question, and it was one we wanted to nut out with her early on too.

“Since we moved into our new house I’ve said more times than I can count that the pool is the best thing that we put in our house (no Kate and Matt didn’t tell me to say that). Closely followed by our pool heater and pool blanket – it’s mid May and our kids are still swimming. Working with clients to build them something that I know will bring them so much joy is what I’m looking forward to”. 

And you wouldn’t believe it, we actually built Jess her pool last year. Which was a huge win for us as it helped her understand our business and commitment to delivering such high quality pools to our clients. Like us, she wants to work with a company that takes pride in what they do, and have a bit of fun whilst doing it!

Matt and I have the utmost confidence in Jess and we think she is going to be a huge asset to our team and to you, our clients. When i asked her how she thinks our clients will benefit from working with her she quickly replied “Having been through the process myself I’ve already walked a mile in our clients’ shoes. I know how important it is to communicate with clients, set expectations, and deliver on promises, and I plan on doing exactly that”. 

And hey, to anybody doubting a chick's ability to build a pool, you just sit back and watch this space. It is happening. 


Project Rangers // Formwork and Steel Fixing


Meet Rick — In conversation with One Up Building and MBA’s Young Master Builder of the Year.