Alex from Madimack on heating, community, and Wanna Win a Pool

There’s not a lot of pools we build that don’t include a heater these days. If it’s not something you decide to include straight away, that’s totally fine – all our pools are built with provisions for heating which means you can try it without and if you want to add it on later, it’s easily done. For us, a heater is a very easy way to add substantial value to your pool. Get more bang for your buck by swimming all year round.

For the lucky winner of our Wanna Win a Pool competition, the pool of their dreams will come fully decked out with a state-of-the-art heating system, thanks to the generous team at Madimack. We sat down with CEO, Alex Welsh, to talk: heating, community, and Wanna Win a Pool.

“The Madimack product being installed on the winner’s pool is from our premium Elite range,” Alex says. “It’s a market-leading product that applies the latest technology to deliver the highest efficiency rating, smallest ventilation parameters and lowest noise factor available – and quite frankly, it looks great! Ultimately, we wanted to match the best heating solution to a designer pool as a small gesture to the winner for supporting such a worthwhile fundraiser. So they will be able to enjoy their pool 365 days a year.”

Along with a premium heating solution, Madimack are supplying their latest “energy saving” device; The Inverter Plus. Madimack’s Inverter Plus converts a single speed pool pump to a variable speed pool pump, saving on dreaded running costs and drastically minimising a pool’s carbon footprint.

“The Inverter Plus is a small unit that makes a big difference” Alex says. “A typical pool pump can cost a household up to $800 a year, sometimes more. Without getting too technical, the inverter technology used in the Inverter Plus can reduce a pool pump’s power input from 1kW an hour to just 110W – about equal to a lightbulb – increasing efficiencies to just 4 cents an hour. The unit also makes a pool pump up to 20 times quieter. Like I said, it’s a small unit that makes a big difference. ”

As one of Australia's leading providers of energy efficient solutions for homes, pools and commercial spaces, Madimack has built a reputation for uncompromised innovation.

“We’re about empowering our customers to extend their knowledge base and make the right choice for their pool,” Alex says. “A pool can account for around 30% of a household’s electricity bill – so the savings made with the right product can be significant.”


Madimack is a family-owned Australian business and just as passionate about generating community spirit as they are about generating heat in pools. They’ve partnered with Surf Life Saving to raise awareness of water-safety in the community, and recently joined the Cronulla Sharks’ corporate family, as back of shorts partner for the 2020-21 season.

“We support a lot of local, community clubs, as well as national teams,” Alex says. “Supporting community is its own reward. There’s an undefined buzz you get as a business owner when you see your company logo on a local club’s website or uniform. A sense of pride for giving back in a small way. And I know it’s important for all of my staff that they’re part of a business that participates in the community wherever we can.”

Alex says the pool industry is one of only a few that have been lucky through the pandemic, and the Wanna Win a Pool competition is a great opportunity to give back.

“If you look at what Cronulla Pools are doing, you can’t help but be impressed,” Alex says. “It’s fantastic. You’ve put your heart into this great cause, and we’re right behind you. For us, you know, you didn’t even need to finish asking. It’s just a great cause and a great team.”

To learn more about Madimack click here.

To learn more about the Wanna Win a Pool competition click here.



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