Choose the right builder — In conversation with Dean Hacio from Hacio Building.

We have just put the finishing touches on four pools in the one project. A beautiful quadruplex (if that’s a word) situated in sunny Woolooware and built by our good friends Ryan and Dean Hacio of Hacio Building


If you’re in the market for a builder who cares, these are your guys. 

They are quite simply, out to build homes that are good enough for themselves and for their families. And it’s for this reason that we find ourselves working so well with them time and time again. 

Partnering with builders is a no brainer for us. We love aligning ourselves with trades and professionals who value exceptional service, the need to keep clients in the loop (always) and let's be honest … a good time!

I sat down with Dean to have a chat about what they’ve been up to and also to get you some pointers on what to look for when you’re searching for a builder.

CP. Thanks for sitting down with me today Dean. Do you want to start by telling us a little bit about Hacio Building?   

Ryan and I started Hacio Building around four years ago. We consciously kept it small at first, building one home at a time to get a hold of what our clients wanted and the types of builders we really wanted to be. 

Nowadays we always have two jobs at a time and we complete a handful of projects annually. We have two teams which enables us to work in the East, Inner West and the Sutherland Shire simultaneously.

We LOVE variety in our work, it keeps us on our toes and it keeps us loving what we do. Our clients come to us with project varying from beautiful luxury builds to small and less complex renovations. And it’s great.  

CP. We work with lots of clients who are building a pool as part of a larger reno or house build. If they’re looking - what should they keep in mind? 

There are so many builders around these days, and it’s a huge financial decision. You want to be certain you’re picking the best one for you - each builder has their own style so you want to make sure you’re on the same page. I think if you do the following, then you’ll be on the right track.

  1. Do your due diligence. Chat to people who have built with the builders. There’s nothing like getting a referral straight from the horses mouth!

  2. Check the product out. Go and look at the homes they have built. Consider the quality and attention to detail.

  3. Make sure you mesh with each other, building requires a lot of attention from both parties and it just makes it that little bit easier if things flow.


CP. What’s important to you when selecting trades to help you build your homes for your clients?

It’s all about being able to work well together. You have to be able to mesh, to share in the same level of high quality workmanship and understand and appreciate the goals and objectives of the project and the client.  

When building a home there are always a lot of trades that have to work together to get the job done. When they all work well together and communicate well and coordinate then it really is a recipe for a smooth and successful project.

It’s why we’ve loved working with Cronulla Pools so much – there’s a mutual respect for quality and a great attitude to hard work that is sometimes hard to find.

CP. We’ve worked together on a few projects now. What was it that made you select Cronulla Pools?

I’m a big believer in the power of a good referral and Matt and the boys have always come highly recommended. We definitely haven’t been disappointed.  

More recently, having worked on a few projects together we see that you’ve got big company capabilities in terms of your approach to a project and your experience but we still get the level of service and attention that we’d expect from a family owned business. We love that we get to work so closely with Matt on our jobs, it means we get a level of responsiveness and service that we really value throughout the duration of our projects. 

CP. And what is it that keeps you coming back to us here at Cronulla Pools?

Definitely the quality. I know I’ve said it’s about the relationship and being able to work together, but more than anything it’s about a really great pool. And that’s what Cronulla Pools have delivered on all of our jobs thus far. A well coordinated, quality product that we are happy to deliver as part of our build.


CP. Any finally for all of our clients looking to build – why Hacio Building? Give us the quick sell.

Ryan and I really love what we do. If someone was building for our family and we weren’t builders then we’d be very cautious about finding the right person to trust with such a huge investment. We just want to build beautiful homes and look after our clients. 

Working as part of a team is what we do best. It’s what we love. If you’re looking for a team of people to help bring your project to life, please give us a call today on 1300 373 706.


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