The Beauty of Beadcrete: Brett Craig on our favourite finish.


Our Wanna Win a Pool Competition is awesome for heaps of reasons. It means a bunch of money for the CCI to help fund research into childhood cancer. It means one lucky winner is going to score the pool of their dreams. And it also means we get the chance to shine the light on some of the outstanding people who will be involved in building this beautiful pool. When we spoke to Brett Craig from Designer Beadcrete, we were reminded of just how much heart goes into each and every project from this team – and just how lucky we are to have such an amazing team of trades all willing to rally behind us in support of this incredible cause.

Getting Brett Craig chatting on all things Beadcrete is pretty easy. He’s pretty obsessed, and rightly so. Beadcrete is affordable, super durable, fits any shape pool and makes for a sparkling, reflective effect in the water. At  Designer Beadcrete, Brett deals with a massive range of clients both locally and internationally, and knows just how effective Beadcrete is for that perfect finish.

“It’s a premium sort of finish, suitable for your mum and dad’s backyard pool through to big fancy resort style pools,” Brett says. “It’s made from colourfast mineral quartz, inorganic oxides and clear beads or glass spheres. The nature of the glass is reflective. The more glass the more shimmer you get in the water.”

The shift towards Beadcrete that we’ve seen over the last few years is testament to the quality and versality of this product. Brett says that there’s so much confidence about Beadcrete in the industry that clients usually come to him already sold on the stuff.


“Builders actually start the process for us, push our barrow,” he says. “They see the value in the product and what it does for customers. Builders look at it as a no-brainer and point the customers to us on that basis.”

For Brett, one of the major advantages of Beadcrete is that there are two different ranges of the product, so it caters for the full spectrum of budget perspectives. At the lower end of the price point is the pebble and glass mix, which is very durable and has a relatively smooth finish. At the higher end there’s the full glass crystal range. Beadcrete is designed to be extremely versatile, flowing to the curved walls of the pool without any difference in look, moulding to any shape. Plus, there are loads of design options, and Brett’s super passionate about his custom pools.

“We do a lot of custom pools outside of the 12 standard colours we have,” he says. “There’s a bit of time in custom pools but we find it’s a real edge. We get customers trying to match a bush backdrop or a tidal waterfront and they just want the pool to flow to that environment. There’s a bit of risk associated with it, because we can’t give the exact colour until the water is in the pool. But we’ve done enough of them now we know how to come up with the best solution. I get people come back saying I love it, it’s brilliant, it’s exactly what we spoke about.”

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Brett has been with Beadcrete now for 14 years, but when you speak to him he’s as pumped about this product, and about pools, as if he’s just started out in the game. Brett brings a freshness and an energy to every single project he takes on. When we refer clients onto him for a consult, they always come back screaming his praises. As just one example, in an outstanding act of generosity, Designer Beadcrete are donating to the supply of the Islands Range Beadcrete to finish the interior of the prize pool in our Wanna Win a Pool competition.

“Well, we’re always pro good things in the community,” he says, “and working with the right people. When you guys came to us with the idea we were just like, why wouldn’t ya?”

We are so grateful.

“It’s a great cause and working with a great team,” he says. “Some of the subcontractors we work closely with we’re like a big family. I took the question to my colleagues and there wasn’t even a discussion. We just believe in it, it’s a great cause. I guess we didn’t hesitate.”

To learn more about Beadcrete click here.

 To learn more about the Wanna Win a Pool competition click here.



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